Rent your e-bike in Italy with Itaway

Space for fun

Who we are

Itaway was created and operates with the intention of promote and valorize Sustainable Tourism Culture.

It was developed based on the cardinal principle defined in the 1988 by the World Tourism Organization (WTO): “Touristic activities are sustainable when they develop in such way that they are able to maintain themselves vital in a touristic area for an unlimited amount of time, without altering the environment (NATURAL, SOCIAL and ARTISTIC) and do not harm the development of others social and economic activities. “

ITAWAY brings together a group of professional figures, each and every one selected to coordinate in the best way possible projects of sustainable and cultural tourism, in the Italian territory; it also aims to sponsorship these projects on a local and international level.

Our goal is to realize a series of autonomous and independent projects, but at the same time to keep them all strongly connected.

ITAWAY through its network of people on the local and National territory:

  • Coordinates, creates and promotes projects to valorize the Sustainable Tourism Culture;
  • Promotes projects for the development of the cultural and sustainable tourism;
  • Preserves and valorizes the historical and cultural identity of the chosen territories;
  • Promotes the developments of relationships and activities with and between the communities involved in these projects;
  • Enhance the opportunities of economic growth for small and medium tourism enterprises;
  • Promotes, organizes, and participates in educational activities with schools and universities through research projects, that aims to develop a correct Sustainable Tourism Culture;
  • Creates programs of Sustainable Tourism Culture for their partners and for the citizens;
  • Organizes events, in order to increase the importance of the chosen territories;
  • Publishes travel guides, essays, magazines;
  • Creates merchandising for their initiatives and their associates initiatives;
  • Organizes campaigns of communication, at local and international level.

The Itaway's model

We’ve started by following the European logic: it’s important to promote and educate to a different approach towards our territory, using means with low environmental impact. Keeping this in mind, ITAWAY’s model is functional, replicable in different projects, and it allows the so-called “slow journeys”, which are made by walking, cycling, horse riding, sailing, canoeing, skiing and with every other mean of transportation that allows to stay in close contact with nature, without harming it.

These projects are shaped into an ITAWAY’s itinerary, which is really important for the municipalities involved because it brings great visibility to the territory, both on local and international level, and it allows at the same time the development of the local economies on small and medium scale. In this way there will be great benefits for the operator and the administrators.

We thought that the best way to effectively develop this projects was through the use of bicycle: there’s already a great attention for cycle tourism and bike hiking, and it already has its own legislation.

Itaway's route

The creation of an ITAWAY route involves in different measures the Institution and entrepreneurial activities in the Italian territory. This process of direct involvement guarantee that the environmental, technological and planning resources are used in the best way possible, with the idea of improve the competitiveness in the tourism sector. An ITAWAY route is a path of touristic, environmental and cultural value, that pass through a series of municipalities connected between them to form a circle. To its execution are planned a series of different actions, to be made next to both the institution and the

Privates, with the aim to collaborate in the process of planning and execution:

  • Creation of groups of municipalities;
  • Request for fundings;
  • Planning and realization of the routes;
  • Creation of Itaway Station, Itaway Points and Itaway Charge Points;
  • Online development for the Itaway Points, Itaway Charge Points and environmental and touristic information through a geolocated APP, dedicated to every single ITAWAY Station.